Pictured is a blown fuse from the fusebox in my mom's home. You can tell that it's blown, can't you? My mom could. She looked in the fusebox, spotted the ugliest fuse (the others were all the 'modern' glass-faced type), replaced it, problem solved. Sometimes, you can 'judge a book by its cover', so to speak.
On the face of the fuse it says, "ECONOMY FUSE & MFG. CO.
CHICAGO, U.S.A." From what I got from Google, I don't think ECONOMY FUSE is with us any longer.
At the base of the fuse, there's this: "PAT. AUG. 15, 1916 FEB. 27, 1917 FEB. 18, 1919 OTHERS PENDING"
We're talking antique here. This is the sort of fuse your grandparents had to replace when they made the mistake of plugging a toaster and a radio receiver into the same outlet.
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