Here's a view of what's at fault in the foot pedal linkage.
The ruined plastic pail bottom will be more work. Here's a view of it.
Anyway, the first order of business is to get the lid off so the thing will be easier to work with. That's just a matter of spreading the bail at the back that serves as the hinge pins.
And not only does the lid come away, but it turned to be not difficult to separate the base ring with the foot pedal mechanism from the canister. That really simplified repairing the fulcrum. Here's a view of the fulcrum-point back in good order.
Next up is to repair the outrageous damage to the bottom of the plastic inner pail. I'll need to round up suitable material first.
To be continued.
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The Pail Bottom Repaired
Here's a view of the pail bottom repair.
To be continued.
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The Pail Bottom Repair
I had to hack away some of the distorted, protruding stuff with snips, then I laid down masking tape[3] to give me a 'writable' surface for marking a cut-line on. A big coffee tin served nicely as a circle template. I cut away the remaining rough stuff with a jigsaw, and smoothed the edges with a 1 1/2" diameter drum sander chucked in the drill press. All that got me to where I could cut a sheet metal disc and install it with hollow ('Pop') rivets. There are several points about using hollow rivets in a situation like this that I ought to elaborate on a bit.
Hole Size
I was using 1/8" diameter rivets, so one would expect to use a 1/8" drill, but that's actually not such a good practice in some cases.
When you drill 1/8" for a 1/8" rivet, you get a borderline interference fit for the barrel of the rivet. Inserting the rivet can be a bit of a struggle. What you want to use is a drill just a tiny bit larger than 1/8" (0.125").
A No. 30 drill is 0.1285" diameter, 0.0035" greater than 1/8". Drilling No. 30 rather than 1/8" makes the work go much more smoothly.[4]
Backup Washers
When clinching a rivet in material like fabric or leather, you have to use backup washers to give the rivet's barrel an unyielding surround to clinch against. The same applies for a thin sheet metal and plastic lamination as I was working with here. The materials are too yielding to be riveted successfully without backup washers.
Backup washers are just flat washers with a bore diameter that just fits the barrel of a rivet. The 1/8" size is readily available; the other sizes not so much. I make the other sizes the odd time that I need them from undersize washers that I bore out to fit. This post shows the method I use to make 3/32" backup washers.
Join Tightness
When joining thin material with hollow rivets, it's essential that the lamination be held tightly together as the rivet is clinched, else the resulting job is likely to be a be a poor one. The following photo shows a good and a bad rivet installation.
To get the outcome shown at the right, use a small (3/16") socket wrench as an 'anvil' on the clinch side to support the backup washer while providing clearance for the rivet end -- that makes it possible to bear down with the riveting tool and ensure a good join.
To apply that method to the bottom of the pail, I had to rig a way to support the small socket wrench in space far enough out to reach inside the pail. Here's a view of how I did that.
Once all the riveting was done, I 'caulked' all the seams and small gaps with clear silicone sealant, so the thing now would even hold water if it needed to.
Anyway, the pail is now fully repaired and ready for delivery back to the kitchen. Far better that than delivery to the landfill.
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[1] To oversimplify a bit, in any arrangement where something is rotated by a crank, the effective length of the crank is the 'moment arm'. As with everything, one could make a career out of learning all that's associated with the term 'moment arm'.
[2] It's not at all clear to me how Canadian Tire arrived at the 1/4" dimension for these eyelets.
Be that as it may, they're just what was needed.
[3] Masking tape is a great lay-out aid for surfaces that are difficult to mark. I always have a roll of it handy, and I use it often for such purpose.
[4] The same applies to the other sizes of hollow rivet. Here's a list of nominal rivet sizes with their corresponding, slightly oversize drills.
3/32" (0.09375") -- No. 41 (0.096")
1/8" (0.125") -- No. 30 (0.1285")
5/32" (0.15625") -- No. 22 (0.157")
3/16" (0.1875") -- No. 12 (0.189")
A slightly oversize hole is often, but not always, desirable. A good method is to drill nominal size first, then if rivet insertion proves to be difficult, enlarge the hole with the appropriate number size drill.
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